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Desert Dune


16 pages - Short Film - Fantasy - Animation

2024 OFFICIAL SELECTION -WHITE nmff bg - 2024.png

Log Line

In a realm where magic and darkness collide, a lone Skeleton Knight, guided by a mystical Desert Fox, embarks on a perilous quest for a sacred relic. While torn between the allegiance to his malevolent King, and fighting for his people's autonomy, he faces an epic struggle of loyalty and destiny in a race against the clock of impending decay.


In a realm where magic and darkness intertwine, a desolate kingdom languishes under the oppressive rule of a malevolent King consumed by greed. The once vibrant landscape now suffers from environmental decay, reflecting the kingdom's moral decline. Amidst this turmoil, a lone Skeleton Knight, guided by a mystical Desert Fox, embarks on a quest to uncover a sacred relic rumoured to grant anyone who possesses the relic to grant their deepest wish.

As he survives a huge sandstorm after months of travelling, he ends up at the entrance of the Oasis.

Though he's shocked by the many people that have perished right before its gates. When he finally enters the Oasis, he is taken aback by the beauty and enjoys it fully with his new companion. Though as soon as he lets his guard down, his conscious sinks into a deep nightmare.  Haunted by visions of his people starving and a greedy king who sits high and mighty upon his throne. As he approaches, he is reminded how ruthless and demanding his liege is.As he jolts awake from his nightmare, there's a fire that's lit in him to continue his quest at all costs.

In a climactic showdown, the Skeleton Knight confronts the Guardian of the Oasis and eventually retrieves the sacred relic, but not without sacrifice. His own greed is reflected back to him through the relic. Seduced by its promises of power, he runs out of the Oasis to claim it for himself. Without realizing he's killing the Oasis the further he runs away with it.

His Fox friend tries to save him from his own delusional wishes, but ends up paying the heaviest price. His companion dies in the struggle, and the Knight comes to his realisation that he needs to choose between returning home to claim the throne and continue the cycle. Or to stay here, and restore the Oasis to its beautiful glory to create something new and break free from the King's hold.

He ends up staying and becomes the new Guardian of the Oasis. His mythical Fox friend comes back in spirit form. He hands his friend seeds and a scroll to encourage him to go save his people and start a new Oasis. Finally free from the clutches of the greedy King, people find autonomy and restore nature to its original form.

Quarter Finalist placement

Short Film ScreenCraft 2024

“The writer does a lot of great visual writing which works well for this type of intricate animation. It
really puts you in the setting of the destructive desert and then this beautiful and lush oasis. The
relationship between the knight and the fox is also sweet and well developed."



Shortfilm Screenplay


New Media Festival 2024

"Oasis is an engaging short that tackles themes of greed, rebirth, humanity, and
friendship. Despite having no concrete dialogue and not having much time for its story, the
storyline presented is effective and steadily paced."

'Oasis' Short Film



Female Film Festival Screenplay Contest

“The main characters, the knight and the fox are total opposites in a stereotypical way and this makes for a great pairing chosen by the writer. The script is an easy read and the writer does well to show and tell right throughout the script.”

Concept Art

Early stages concept art was developed by Wiktoria Lewandowska

With the focus on finding the right mood for the nightmare sequence, and also the look development of the skeleton knight and the Oasis guardian


Available in EU / remote

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