1 hour - 8 serialized episodes - Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Animation
In a solar punk future, humanity fled Earth after a cataclysmic event, leaving behind a world of chaos and experimentation. Centuries later, nature has reclaimed the planet, and a new human-plant hybrid emerges due to nature deity reviving them as a species. It forces them to respect nature unlike the previous inhabitants. Fern, an orphaned farmer, uncovers a buried human cryostasis pod, awakening Harlow, a super soldier that was left behind.
Together with Harlow, her tinkerer friend Cookie, and others along the way, they discover the utopia isn’t all it turned out to be. Secrets are being kept from them by the ruling council. As well as uncovering the history of what truly happened to the humans and why they left. It begs the question for both Harlow and Fern who is truly the villain here.
Their loyalty, friendship, philosophy, and values are all put to question when the humans arrive to earth to reclaim it.
Is a solar utopia truly possible? Are humans inherently bad? Who does the earth belong to? What truly happened to the humans?
Pitch Deck
DISCLAIMER! All the art in the pitch deck except the main cover is not original art, but assembled from Pinterest. I do not claim that any of this art presented on the pitch deck as my own, and it is purely for placeholder purposes.
Animated TV-Pilot
Emerging Screenwriters
Animation 2024
"What is great and compelling is the plot point that the protagonist Fern finds a human pod, which of course, opens a pandora’s box of government secrets about Earth’s forgotten past.
Certainly, Solar has a very unique world and arena, with its own histories and mythology, which is apt, especially for TV in the streaming and binging era."
Animated TV-Pilot
Big Break Screenwriting Contest 2024
"Solar is an ambitious project that benefits from its sprawling world and the interesting politics that
populate it. The writer does an excellent job of
describing the setting and creating images of what the plant people look like and what their trials
and tribulations have been."
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